Online Storage Approach to the Present Technology

The present technology is a virtual storage system that enables users to develop and shop sequential info sets, lacking the hosting server computer to receive the data in chunks. This invention provides an powerful means to set aside space upon disk forces.

A virtual storage system of the invention is basically a cpu that allocates space over a fast storage memory unit to store a data collection. The invention also features an external memory system that decides the best places to store your data. This memory space subsystem is important for great storage effectiveness.

The present invention uses data compression and decompression strategies to improve safe-keeping efficiency. The invention also contains an intelligent ram subsystem to perform several data backup operations. Introduced also has the capability to immediately retrieve a duplicate of a darkness recording. This provides an added degree of versatility and reliability in the operation with the storage program.

The invention may be made from commercially available elements. Introduced is particularly suitable to get large mainframes. The invention could also be used in conjunction with modifications to the operating system of the host. Introduced can be together in any way that is simple.

The invention may be used to store person pages of info in structures within a info cache. The invention also has the advantage of being able to cater to a large number of data sets on a single magnetic storage area medium. It also introduces the idea of variable volumes of prints.